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Jay’s Hot Fudge Sauce

I worked at a fast food joint called Ward’s all through high school in Columbia, Mississippi. I have some of my fondest memories from working there. We served a store-bought hot fudge, but it was delicious just the same. We also sold these giant chocolate chip cookies. Although it wasn’t on the menu, we would run those cookies through the hamburger bun warmer, mold the warm cookie into the bottom of a bowl then top it with ice cream and hot fudge. Need I say more? Be sure to whip up a batch of this the next time you make homemade ice cream.

Jay's Hot Fudge Sauce

Ingredients: Jay's Hot Fudge Sauce 2 cans of sweetened condensed milk

2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips

2 teaspoons vanilla Dash of salt

Directions: Combine everything in a small boiler on medium heat. Whisk to combine ingredients. Heat thoroughly, about 5 minutes.

It was great having Laura and Pam back on Friday night after several weeks.

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