I don’t remember the year exactly, but I was a small child, so it was certainly the 1970s. The thing was huge and took two men to deliver. I’m talking about our very first microwave oven. Several of Mama’s friends got one before her, and she was dying for her own. Finally, Daddy made arrangements with the local electric company to buy Mama an Amana microwave oven. She used that thing for everything. Y’all, I am not kidding. She converted every recipe she possibly could for microwave use.
Pecans were coveted at our house, and they were expensive. Mama had a sweet tooth, so she was always baking using pecans in many of her recipes. My dad worked at a wholesale grocery company called Flynt Wholesale. There was a huge pecan tree on the property at work, but the tree was claimed by the neighbors even though it was not theirs. Daddy’s bosses didn’t care anything about the pecans and told him he could have all he wanted. During the holidays, this family next door would leave town. As soon as they were good and out of sight, Daddy took action. He devised this rope with a homemade weight on the end. He would throw that weight high into the pecan tree and shake the limbs until the pecans fell. My brothers and I would quickly begin picking up all the pecans. We had that tree free of pecans before anyone ever knew.
I only use my microwave for reheating things and melting butter, but I always use it to make brittle. It’s just too easy and so delicious!
Mama's Microwave Pecan Brittle
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup Karo syrup
1 cup chopped pecans
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Spray a large piece of parchment paper with cooking spray and set aside. Combine the sugar, Karo and pecans in a microwave safe bowl. Cook on high for 3 ½ minutes. Remove and stir. Return to microwave and cook an additional 3 ½ minutes. Remove, stir and add butter. Return to microwave and cook an additional 3 minutes. Remove, stir and add baking soda and vanilla. Working quickly, pour the mixture onto parchment paper and spread into a thin layer. Allow to cool before breaking into chucks and storing in a zip lock bag.

I treasure my Mama's old hand written recipes.