I was about 6 or 7 years old when my mom got her first microwave oven, which was approximately the same size as the freezer section in our refrigerator. Mom didn’t care. She was so excited to have it. Y’all, I’m not kidding when I say my mom used that microwave for everything. One of my favorite recipes she made in the microwave was Swiss Steak. It cooked for a couple of hours in this big clay pot that came with the microwave. That clay pot has been long gone, so I started making Swiss Steak in the crockpot, and it’s almost as good as my mama’s.

Jay's Crockpot Swiss Steak
2–3-pound package of cubed stew meat, trimmed
1/2 cup flour seasoned with salt and pepper
1 28-ounce can whole tomatoes
1 large onion, cut into strips
1 green bell pepper, cut into strips
6-8 whole garlic cloves
1 6-ounce can tomato paste
1 28-ounce box beef broth
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
In a large mixing bowl, toss the cubed meat in the flour mixture until each piece Is coated. Heat a large skillet to medium heat adding a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Working In batches, brown the stew meat on all sides. Remove the meat from the skillet and add to the crock pot. Add all the remaining Ingredients to the crock pot beginning with the whole tomatoes. Squeeze each tomato with your hand as you add It to the crock pot breaking the tomato into pieces. Add the tomato paste next stirring it into the crushed tomatoes. End with the beef broth only adding enough to cover the contents of the pot. Cook on low for 8 hours. Serve over white rice or cheese grits.